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In June 2018, Pittsburg State University Educational Leadership Faculty and staff from the Greenbush Education Service Center collaborated to form a partnership to enhance the Academy and expand opportunities to develop a pool of qualified future building administrators.

One of the areas in which authentic practice is offered is with the development of interviewing skills. Participants receive instruction and guided and independent practice in both roles: As interviewer and interviewee. Academy mentors provide instruction regarding, “Hiring the Best and Brightest,” and “Making Yourself the Best Candidate.” As potential hiring managers, participants learn to develop good interview questions, utilize good verbal and nonverbal skills for interviewing, critically review resumes and conduct reference checks. Participants practice their skills in simulation interviews. Simultaneously, faculty in the University’s undergraduate program are working with student teachers to develop their skills as interviewees. The culminating event for this module involves a mock interview fair in which the Leadership Academy participants (future administrators) set up booths marketing their districts and interview the students (future teachers) for potential openings. At the conclusion of the interview, each side gives the other feedback on what they did well and what they might do to improve their performance. This event precedes the “real” Teacher Interview Fair at the University, giving both sides valuable practice.
