Wichita High School East in Concert
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte conducted by Kenneth Thompson at McCray Auditorium at 3:30 PM.
Wind Ensemble
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Schumann, Creston, Latham, Long, Persichetti, Respighi, and Wood at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM
Christina Robertson, Mezzo-Soprano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Senior Recital featuring music by Franz, Fellowes, Dowland, Ford, Campian, and Rosseter at McCray Auditorium at 2:30 P.M. Assisted by Florine Best.
Dale Sullens, Oboe
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Senior Recital featuring music by Handel, Britten, Telemann, and Mozart at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Sherrill Rush-Piano, Jon Jarboe-Violin, Karen Salsbury-Violin, and Stanley Schmidt-Cello.
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Weelkes, Morley, Dowland, Cornyshe, Purcell, Jannequin, Lassus, Monteverdi, Williams, Beethoven, Prokofieff, Debussy, Schubert, Haydn, Ginastera, Webern, Mozart, Gabauer, Dahl, Ibert, and Hindemith at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
Mid-America Youth Symphony and Junior Youth String Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring works by Legrenzi/Sontag, Mozart/Brown, Strauss/Isaacs, Schubert, Weber, Puccini/Antonini, Jacob, Rimsky-Korsakov/Schmidt, and Dvorak/Stone at McCray Hall Auditorium at 3:00 PM Conducted by Walter Osadchuk, Gerard McKenna, Markwood Holmes, and Nancy Marvel. T.J. Austin-Clarinet.
Sandra Dene Ellis, Lyric Soprano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Graduate Recital featuring music by Barber at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Max Plummer-Piano.
The College Chorus and The Collegiate
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Annual Christmas Concert featuring music by Bach, Lynn, Niles, Leontovich-Wilhousky, and Vivaldi at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM Assisted by Ruth Schnackenberg-Soprano, Karla Grant-Soprano, Nancy Howard-Soprano, Janis Goble-Soprano, Sara Lou Kapple-Mezzo Soprano, Rozelee Stephens-Contralto, Jerry Owens-Baritone, Marilyn Conard-Oboe, John Wright-Harpsichord, Jack Briece-Organ, The Brass Ensemble, and The KSC Student String Quartet
Barbara Rondelli, Soprano, and Johan van der Merwe, Pianist, in Recital
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Kansas State College of Pittsburg
College Band
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Giannini, Erickson, Creston, Milhaud, Work, Bright, and Kenny at McCray Hall Auditorium at 3:00 PM
College Choir and Chorus
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Christmas Choral Concert featuring music by Willis, Redner, Grueber, Bach, Williams, Hammerschmidt, Schop, Britten, Luther-Lockwood, Mendelssohn, Praetorius, and Handel at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM Assisted by Marilyn Fox-Soprano, Rozelee Stephens-Alto, David Evitts-Baritone, Helen Aiken-Mezzo Soprano, Dale Sullens-Tenor, Edward Oathout-Piano/Organ, Janis Goble-Harp, Brass Ensemble, and The Collegiate
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Mozart, Nielsen, Beethoven, Janacek, Ravel, Dvorak, Stamitz, Hindemith, Bartok, Haydn, Bach, Couperin, Handel, Scarlatti, Loeillet, and Telemann at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
The Annual Oratorio Concert featuring works by Brahms and Faure at McCray Hall Auditorium at 3:00 PM Featuring Marilyn Preddy Fox-Soprano, Michael Kapple-Baritone, and Richard F. Smith-Conductor
Erma Rose, Piano and Nancy C. marvel, Mezzo-Soprano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Joint Recital featuring music by Schumann, Chopin, and Kennan at McCray Hall at 3:00 P.M. Assisted by jane Stine-Accompanist
Faculty String Quartet
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium by the Department of Music
Gerald Landon, Tenor, and Emalou Landon, Pianist, in Recital
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Kansas State College of Pittsburg
James Hathaway, Baritone
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Graduate Recital featuring music by Scarlatti, Brahms, Faure, and Barber at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 P.M. Assisted by Florine Best-Piano, Karen Salsbury-Violin, Margaret Nichols-Violin, and Esther Stoneking-Cello.
Mid-America Youth Symphony and Junior Youth String Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring works by McKay, Gates, Vivaldi, Bales, Handel, Mozart, Cimarosa, Massenet, Vivaldi, Berlioz, and Bernstein at McCray Hall Auditorium at 3:00 PM Conducted by Walter Osadchuk and Lowell Adams. Linda Kay Hailey-Violin and Marilyn Conard-Oboe
Robert A Woodward, Baritone and Ed Oathout-Piano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Senior Recital featuring music by Barber, Schumann, and Britten at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Margaret Nichols-Violin, Sherrill Rush-Violin, Karen Salsbury-Viola, and Lois Leker-Cello.
Student Soloists
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerto and Aria Concert featuring works by Honegger, Mozart, Delibes, Jacob, Bach, Nichols, and Mendelssohn at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM Conducted by student conductors
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Beethoven, Bartok, Mozart, Leclair, Boismortier, d'Hervelois, Hotteterre, Marcello, Vivaldi/Bach, Vivaldi, Bach, Shostakovich, Ravel, Corelli, Stravinsky, Ben-Haim, and Respighi at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
Faculty Ensemble Tour Program 1962
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized by the Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Helen Aiken, Mezzo-Soprano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Recital featuring music by Torelli, Pergolese, Scarlatti, Mascagni, Brahms, and Britten at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Karon Hagemann
Hubert Bird, Tenor
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Senior Recital featuring music by Schutz, Mozart, Brahms, Debussy, and Barber at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 P.M. Assisted by Cecilia Leverich-Piano and Gary Smith-Organ.
James Kneebone, Tenor
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Graduate Recital featuring music by Schuetz, Haydn, Bach, Verdi, Brahms, Berlioz, Puccini, Bird, Barber, and Horsemann at McCray Hall at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Janice Potter-Piano, Nancy Thompson-Soprano, Donald Sieberns-Violin, and William Elliott-Cello.
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