College Choral Organization, Pittsburg Community Chorus, and College Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
The Messiah featuring works by G. F. Handel at Carney Hall Auditorium at 3:00 PM Featuring Lois Wittich-Soprano, Margaret Thuenemann-Contralto, R. G. Webb-Tenor, Laurence Siegle-Bass, and Richard F. Smith-Conductor.
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Student Recital featuring music by Hindemith, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Strauss, Schroeder, Schumann, Langlais, Telemann, Respighi, Bach, Tartini-Kreisler, Jeanjean, Mozart, Puccini, Creston, and Arnold at McCray Auditorium at 8:00 P.M.
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Spring Choral Concert featuring works by Bach, Schubert, Peeters, and Bird at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM Conducted by Hubert Bird. Assisted by KSC Choral Concert Orchestra and Brass Choir
Guest Artist Also Mancinelli, Pianist
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by Department of Music
Jeff Angwin, Bass Baritone and Debra Barnes, Harpsichord/Piano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Recital featuring music by Purcell, Brahms, Loewe, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and Gershwin at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 P.M. Assisted by Peggy Tompkins-Cello and Chris Coots-Trumpet
Mary Costa Soprano
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at Carney Auditorium presented by Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Merrill Runnels, Tenor and Ronald Green, Clarinet
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Joint Recital featuring music by Caccini, Scarlatti, Wanhal, Faure, Lefebvre, and Diamond at McCray Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. Assisted by John Butler-Piano, Eileen Southward-Piano.
Mid-America Youth Symphony and Junior Youth String Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring works by McKay, Kindler, Gluck-Pochon, DeRibaupierre, Anderson, Grieg, Kirk, Nardini, Schubert, and Copeland at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM Conducted by Walter Osadchuk, and Catherine Adams. Assistant Conductors: James Autry, Hubert Bird, John Jarboe, and Edward Martin. Sandra Mosier-Violin.
National Music Week
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte organized at McCray Hall, Program - Eugene Ware Orchestra by conductor Arleen Purcell.
The Girard Music Club
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte organized at Girard Methodist Church presented by the students of Department of Music, Kansas State College of Pittsburg.
The Madrigal Singers and Renaissance Players of The Conservatory of Music of The University of Missouri at Kansas City
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Department of Music
The Neosho Music Club
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte organized at First Presbyterian Church presented by the students of Department of Music, Kansas State College of Pittsburg.
Band and Orcchertra Annual Spring Concert
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte conducted by Howard Johnson at Jarrett Auditorium at 7:30 PM.
Brass Ensemble
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Gabrieli, Bach, Litaize, Widor, Beversdorf, Brahms, and Schutz at McCray Hall Auditorium at 8:15 PM Assisted by The Collegiates
College Chorus, Soloists, and Instrumental Ensembles
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Annual Christmas Concert featuring music by Bach, Gabrieli, and Lenel at Carney Auditorium at 7:30 PM
Concerto and Aria Concert
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte featured by Student Soloists at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM.
Department of Music
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Mozart, Copland, Brahms, Haydn, Shostakovitch, Beethoven, Schubert, Pygott, Weelkes, Cornish, Morley, Ortiz, Monteverdi, Boisset, Sermisy, Milan, Narvaez, Fuenllana, and Johnson at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
Faculty Recital - Martha Pate, Organ and Harpsichord
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium by the Kansas State college of Pittsburg
Graduate and Undergraduate Students of the Opera Theatre with Members of the Summer Session Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
The Beggar's Opera featuring works by Benjamin Britten at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
Hillcrest High School
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerte directed by Paul Tillman and Mardrigal Evelyn Struble at McCray Auditorium at 3:30 PM.
Mid-America Youth Symphony and Junior Youth String Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring works by Brown, Pochon, Telemann/Holmes, Grieg/Stephan, Fanidi, Bach/Abert, Mozart, Coates, Boccherini, Grofe, and Smetana at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM Conducted by Walter Osadchuk, Catherine Adams, Williams Elliott, and John Walker. Vicki White-Violin and Kaye Clinesmith-Viola
Student Soloists
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerto and Aria Concert featuring works by Mozart, Cimarosa-Benjamin, Haydn, Purcell-Wendlandt, Vivaldi, Verdi, and Perilhou at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM Assisted by KSC Symphony Orchestra.
Student Soloists with KSC Symphony Orchestra
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concerto And Aria Concert featuring music by Mozart, Cimarosa-Benjamin, Haydn, Purcell-Wendlandt, Vivaldi, and Perilhou at McCray Auditorium at 8:15 PM
The Concert Band
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Home Concert featuring music by Bach/Moehlmann, Bennett, Bright, Clark, Creston, Fauchet, Gershwin/Krance, Gershwin/Bennett, Grundman, Jacoby/McRoe, Kepner, Latham, Morrissey, Pares, Persichetti, Prokofieff/Goldman, Sousa, Williams, and Wood at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM
The Concert Band
Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Concert featuring music by Bach/Moehlmann, Fauchet, Williams, Gerrard, Byrd/Jacob, Cofield, Rodgers/Hammerstein/Bennett, and Pares at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM
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