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This study explores the impact of generative AI tools on higher education of Indian international master's students. The goal of the research is to investigate how the use of generative AI tools affects the academic performance and skill development of the Indian International Master’s students by using ethnographic qualitative approach, conducting interviews with fifteen participants across distinct majors and academic years. This research is significant because it helps to understand how Indian international master's students who use generative AI tools perform academically and develop new skills. This study provides insights for integration of technology into education, enabling educators, policymakers, and educational institutions to optimize technology use and promote successful learning practices. This study provides relevant aspects for making decisions in the context of current discussions about the integration of AI in education. This research is built on considering assumptions, such as participants representation of the larger community of Indian international master's students, the homogeneity of experiences despite major and academic year differences, and truthful responses throughout the interview process. The study also acknowledges its limitations, including the dynamic nature of technical improvements and the possibility of interpretive biases in subjective opinions acquired during interview. Despite these limitations, the study provides insightful information about how generative AI tools affect Indian international master's students' experiences in higher education. This study contributes to current discussions regarding the effective integration of emerging technologies in academic contexts by offering a comprehensive perspective of technology's impact on education.
