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In recent years as health in the United States is declining, so are breastfeeding rates. It seems that majority of the people aware of this issue, are specialized in the area of maternal-newborn care and/or breastfeeding. “The fact that breastfeeding rates remain low in many contexts, with substantial gaps between income groups, suggests that countries are not providing women with sufficient information and support. This is an area that requires urgent attention.” Improving breastfeeding rates could save more than 820,000 children under 5 every year, and an additional 20,000 maternal deaths from breast cancer. “Physicians are not often adequately prepared for their role in breastfeeding management. Similarly, nurses have reported breastfeeding training and management as lacking in their education programs.” Rather than put more pressure and responsibility on our nation’s current healthcare workers, we can contribute to society by requiring Lactation Consultants to be a part of the healthcare team for every birthing hospital. This will allow parents to make more informed decisions when it comes to their baby’s nutrition and health. “When women are informed, empowered and supported to breastfeed, the benefits extend to their children, to themselves and to society as a whole.” More studies on the benefits of Lactation consultants/counselors involved in maternal/newborn care should be done to evaluate how advantageous they can be, and to create more awareness for the need of increased breastfeeding rates in the U.S. Hopefully one day leading to the requirement of their position in birthing hospitals.
