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The abstract presents a study conducted in 2021 at Pittsburg State University aiming to investigate the English proficiency and cultural adaptivity of female international students seeking employment in the USA. Employing a non-experimental quantitative methodology with a descriptive design, the research focuses on 50 female international students from Pitt State who are actively searching for employment. The study contains 20 survey questions to assess the participants English proficiency and cultural awareness. The main objective is to establish the relationship between English proficiency and cultural adaptivity among female international students in pursuit of employment opportunities. By analyzing the survey data, the study aims to provide insights into whether English proficiency impacts the ability of female international students to adapt to cultural changes in their job search. Notably, the research does not involve grading participants based on their English proficiency assessment results. The findings of this study can contribute valuable insights to academic institutions, employers, and policymakers involved in supporting the integration and success of female international students in the US employment market.
