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In a rapid evolving landscape of startups and entrepreneurship, how generation Z is acting as a forefront transformation and dynamic force in creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem. The main research study investigates the multifaceted influences shaping Gen Z’s interest in startups and the challenges facing entrepreneurs in Pittsburg, Kansas. The study is approached through qualitative research method by collecting the data through interviews and the population considered for the study is Gen-Z born between 1997 and 2012, are actively engaged in entrepreneurial aspirations. The sample size will be of total 12 students with a diversified field of interest at Pittsburg state university, Kansas. In this digital era of transformation, how Gen Z seamlessly integrating technology, social media, and online e-commerce platforms to launch their startups and promote their business to reach the larger audience. In establishing startups and pursuing entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs aged 20 to 27 are thriving to produce unique business models in creating the promising employment in the market by valuing different network opportunities. The result of the research will be helpful in preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs, as the study is completely based on student entrepreneur experiences. This plays a vital role in identifying the Generation-Z purpose of innovative start-up as a leading example. The main aim of the research is to determine the targeted generation group of interests and their driving forces in generating a meaningful impact in the startup culture. Despite, financial uncertainties, this research witnesses the Gen-Z passion towards startup and embracing failure as a steppingstone in becoming a successful entrepreneur.
