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The Journey “Box” allows preservice teachers to explore and share their own historical narrative as they different aspects of their own family’s journey to America. The Journey “Box” first asks preservice teachers to explore themes by reading children’s literature and then positions preservice teachers as interviewers as they seek out different facets of their family’s historical narrative from members of their family. Preservice teachers then use their experience with a Journey “Box” to design an inquiry that could be used in their field experience. The Journey “Box” integrates social studies standards and best practices with ELA standards.
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social studies methods, inquiry, focused inquiry, C3 inquiry, family, culture, journey box, children’s literature, family stories, oral traditions, diversity, inclusion, online learning, historical thinking, historical narrative
Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Educational Methods | Elementary Education | Elementary Education and Teaching | Gifted Education | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Language and Literacy Education | Online and Distance Education | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education and Teaching
Recommended Citation
Wolff, David, "Journey “Box” Assignment Description" (2023). Open Educational Resources - Teaching and Learning. 4.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

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Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Gifted Education Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Language and Literacy Education Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons