Date of Award

Fall 12-13-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)



First Advisor

Andrew Chybowski

Second Advisor

Jim Clanton

Third Advisor

Peter Chung


Interleaving, Music, Band, Celtic, Rehearsal


The purpose of this thesis is to identify the merits of a band rehearsal structure that incorporates elements of an interleaving schedule, whereby multiple items of a similar nature are rehearsed in a mixed fashion rather than in a blocked format where one task is completed before moving on to the next. The project looks at the current state of research related to interleaving in the study of the arts, potential obstacles, motivational strategies to increase student receptiveness, and specific examples of how to implement the research in an intermediate band rehearsal. Included are resources and strategies for pitch and rhythm warmups as well as a look at the use of interleaving concepts in the rehearsal of Celtic Air and Dance by Michael Sweeney.



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