Document Type


Conference or Venue

Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group, CORE Interest Group Week

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Equal access to library resources and services is vital to the successful learning of all students at higher education institutions. All academic libraries provide access to databases in support of the discovery and scholarship needs of the university or college. However, not all databases are equally accessible. Librarians at Pittsburg State University recognized the difficulties disabled students attending college have accessing resources and wanted to assist students and faculty by learning more and reducing barriers. An additional goal included aligning services with other campus resources geared towards disability services. The Student Disability Services department at PSU assists disabled students and their professors with a number of services, including locating accessible learning materials and providing testing accommodations. The Periodicals librarian looked at the library’s databases for accessibility features, accessibility statements, and created a LibGuide with the information. In meeting with Student Disability Services to discuss how the library could complement the efforts and resources of Student Disability Services, the librarian learned about new avenues for services to students. In addition, the library communicated the information to faculty at local conferences and by email. The efforts have paid off, as the LibGuide has gotten use and librarians have received student inquiries about accessing resources that meet their needs. Come hear about the accomplishments and lessons learned by one Periodicals Librarian increasing the access to library databases for all.
