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circa early 1900s

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Photocopy of a newspaper clipping entitled, "Kid Band Is Growing Up." The original photo of the group was taken by Bill Miller. The caption reads: Eddie Strickler started a dance orchestra three years ago with five musicians. They were all Girard boys and took jobs "wherever they could find them." Now, a 19-year old college junior, Strickler has one of the most popular bands in the vicinity. He started his music as a student of the violin and then turned to the saxaphone. The band, shown above, is as follows: Back row, left to right--Garnett Bloomcamp of Hepler, Victor Beavers of Burlington, Max Struble of Girard, Jack Walker of Girard, Norris Montee of Girard and Don Struble of Girard. Front row, left to right--Russell Neas of Pittsburg, Marvin Reed of Kansas City, Eddie Strickler of Girard and Ed Hood of Pittsburg. All of the boys are attending college with the exception of Montee and Walker. Montee is employed by the Zettl baking concern. Walker, by gosh, is still in high school. (Note: this image is part of a two-image photocopy. The other image is entitled '23 Tons of "Appeal to Reasons," Girard, Kansas.)

Collection Number


Object Type




Image Format

Still Image



Publisher Digital

Pittsburg State University, Kansas, Axe Library, Special Collections


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Pittsburg State University, Special Collections, 39, Wayland, J.A., Box 8, Folder 273
