Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Case-study methodology was used to explore the dispositions (professional attitudes, values, and beliefs) of beginning preservice teachers in an undergraduate elementary education degree program. The study involved interviews and observations of beginning preservice teacher candidates as well as course document analysis. The researcher is a teacher educator who serves as an instructor in the initial semester of professional coursework for these candidates. Findings revealed that participants not only are starting to demonstrate some of the dispositions of effective teachers, but also display specific areas that are underdeveloped. Notably, participants also exhibit some discrepancy between their perceptions and observed actions.
Recommended Citation
Bartlow, A. (2018) Dispositions of Elementary Preservice Teachers. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Retrieved 8/29/2018, from the AERA Online Paper Repository.
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Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons