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Sperry, Theodore M. 1970. A Comparison of Mid-Winter Bird Census Methods in Southeastern Kansas.

On an experimental basis, the census method used by the U. S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife for its annual Breeding Bird Survey was used for a min-winter census, and contrasted with a "standard" Audubon Mid-winter Bird Census, under conditions as comparable as the methods would allow. While direct correlation is not possible, it was found that the U.S.B.S.F. & W. method seems to give a much more reliable estimate of the actual numbers and relative abundance of the various species occuring in the census area. However, it falls far short of indicating the total numbers of species to be found in an area, escpecially the uncommon or accidental species, or species to be found in limited specific habitiats.

The mid-winter census using the U.S.B.S.F. & W. methods also provided interesting comparisons with the Breeding Bird Surveys on the same areas, to show, in this area at least, a considerably heavier concentration of birds in mid-winter than at the time of the breeding bird survey, in early June.
