Department of Music
Pittsburg State University
Advent & Christmas Music featuring music by Palestrina, Praetorius, Adson, Banchieri, Daquin, Blitheman, Redford, Telemann, Pepusch, Hamberlin/Murdick, Tarrega, Gossec, Williams, Ariosti, Bach, Adriaenssen, and Speer at Timmons Chapel at 8:00 PM
Department of Music
Pittsburg State University
Student Recital featuring music by Strauss, Diamond, Leclair, Corelli, Telemann, Meyerbeer, and Cook at McCray Recital Hall at 1:30 P.M.
Department of Music
Pittsburg State University
Student Recital featuring music by Debussy, Caldara, Quilter, Jardanyi, Bononcini, Corelli, Chopin, Bach, Loeffler, Handel, Massenet, George, and Peters at McCray Recital Hall at 1:30 P.M.
James Mosher, Oboe and Jack Irvin, Piano
Pittsburg State University
Joint Recital featuring music by Purcell, Locatelli, Telemann, Dubois, Sibelius, Porsch, Britten, Grissell, and Clerisse at McCray Recital Hall at 3:00 P.M.
Jazz Ensemble
Pittsburg State University
Jazz Ensemble Concert featuring music by Sergurson, Richmond, Newmann, Menza, Hanna, Kenton, Nichaus, Heuser, Barton, and Holman at McCray Recital Hall at 3:00 PM Directed by Robert Kehle and Jim Jones.
Kirk Pemberton, Baritone
Pittsburg State University
Senior Recital featuring music by Purcell, Mozart, Arne, Lawes, Beethoven, Liszt, Fauré, Mattei, Quilter, and Saint-Saens at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 P.M. Assisted by Rebecca Shideler-Piano, Pamela Rexwinkle-Soprano, Scott Nelson-Tenor, and Laura Norris-Flute.
Laskey Resident String Quartet, Competition Awards Program
Pittsburg State University
Concerte featured by Student Soloists at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 PM.
Mid-America Junior Youth Orchestra and Mid-America Youth Orchestra
Pittsburg State University
Concert featuring works by Corelli, Rachmaninoff, Bach, Holmes/Emeritus, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Rodgers, Gluck/Wagner, Copland, and Bernstein at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 PM Conducted by Carolann Martin. Assistant Conductor-Michael Burton.
Mid-America Youth Orchestra and Mid-America Junior Strings Orchestra
Pittsburg State University
Concert featuring works by Bach/Bourdon, Prokofiev/Currier, Bach, Copland, Handel, and Anderson at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 PM Conducted by Dr. Carolann Martin. Assisted by Patricia Flagler, Patti Laing, James Harris, and James Jones.
PSU Jazz Ensemble
Pittsburg State University
Concert featuring music by Hoover, Hooper, Nestico, Stuart, Shorter/Eshelman, Barbera, Taylor, Moroder/Foxall, and Bellson at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 PM Directed by Robert Kehle at Jim Jones. Featuring Dr. Burton Parker.
Studio of Mary Elliott James
Pittsburg State University
Recital featuring music by Mozart, Eccles-Klengel, Bach, Pepusch, Marcello, Telemann, Loeffler, and Chausson at McCray Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Studio of Mary Elliott James
Pittsburg State University
Recital featuring music by Beethoven, Bach-Doktor, Telemann, Bach, Hindemith, Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Schubert at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 P.M.
University Concert Band
Pittsburg State University
Spring Concert featuring music by King, Chavez/Erickson, Reed, Madden, Bach/Croft, Seward, and Hamlisch/Nowak at McCray Auditorium at 8:00 PM Conducted by Gary Corcoran
University Concert Band
Pittsburg State University
Fall Concert featuring music by Chance, Mailman, Bencriscutto, Shostakovich/Righter, and Strouse/Lang at McCray Auditorium at 8:00 PM Conducted by Gary Corcoran
University Concert Band
Pittsburg State University
Concert featuring music by Berlioz/Henning, Reed, Bach/Goldman/Leist, Grainger, Cofield, and Alford at McCray Recital Hall at 8:00 PM Conducted by Gary Corcoran
Concert dedicating the two kawai grand pianos
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium by the Department of Music
Faculty Recital
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Department of Music
Pre-college Recital
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by Department of Music
Recital of Pre-college students
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Department of Music
To the teacher, with love(a tribute)
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium presented by the Department of Music
To the teacher, with love(a tribute)
Kansas State Teachers College
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium by the Department of Music
Will Humble Memorial Recital by his Students
Kansas State Teachers College
Concerte featured works by Will J. Humble at McCray Auditorium at 3:00 PM.
Department of Music
Pittsburg State University
Advent & Christmas Concert featuring music by Schubert/Rowell, Costely, Mouton, Bert, Wolf, Telemann, Pfautsch, Balbastre, Welser, Henry VIII, Herzogenberg, Gibbons, Handl, and Marini at Timmons Chapel at 8:00 PM
Irelene Swain Lyric Soparno Harold Heiberg Pianist
Pittsburg State University
Performance organized at McCray Auditorium and presented by Department of Music
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