The History and development of the trades and industrial department at Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas

Jack Mauterer, Kansas State College of Pittsburg


Excerpt: "The purpose of this study is to trace the history and development of the trades and industrial department at Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, from its beginning in 1884 to the present time. Haskell occupies a unique place among the secondary schools in the Indian service. It is the only institution which is authorized to offer two year post-high school courses in advanced vocational work. The curriculum has grown from the meager offerings in shoemaking, wagon making, blacksmithing, painting, tailoring, carpentry, and a sloyd manual training shop to the present offerings of auto mechanics, carpentry, drafting, electricity, machine shop, masonry, painting, plumbing, radio, refrigeration, sheet metal, welding, general shop, and drivers education. For work of the types noted above, the Haskell enrollment area extends to the entire continental United States including the state of Alaska. Because of its location out of the Indian country and because for years its graduates have sought employment away from the reservations and in the urban activities of white life, many students with this objective in mind have sought enrollment at Haskell. Located in a community which accepts Indians without prejudice of any kind, with the cultural advantages of the community and nearby Kansas University, the program at Haskell has a high assimiliative value."