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To give detailed study about how farmers adopt precision farming in agriculture to get the revenue more profitable with using modern technology to grow crops in the organic manner. Farmers can improve crop yields and assist decisions about the correct selection of crop based on the soil, pesticides, and irrigation process. In this study farmers with 20 or more acres of land taken to complete the survey because precision farming can be done successfully in more acres of land. Precision farming can reduce reduction of the use of more inputs to the yields and labor thus reduce costs and can also make the efficiency in the use of water and the quality of the product can be increased. Precision farming can be used with GPS technology to automatic use of the machines in the field. The main goal of precision farming is to define a decision-making system for whole farm management with optimizing returns on inputs while using resources. Precision agriculture can use tools such as tractors, combines, sprayers and planters. To collect the data, I’m using the Pearson correlation coefficient using R and scatter plots using Excel to show the graph of the crop yields in the last 5 years with increased in revenue.
