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The purpose of this research is to explore whether providing quality education on antibiotics will, in fact, help limit the number of multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) infecting the current population. Far too often, antibiotics are prescribed to individuals who do not need them. This overuse causes antibiotics to lose their effectiveness as the human body builds up a tolerance with each subsequent use, thus creating “superbugs.” These are organisms that have become unbeatable with the available antibiotics. Over prescription of antibiotics can happen for a myriad of reasons. One of the biggest being patients (frequently parents of pediatric patients) seeking treatment in an outpatient clinic demanding an antibiotic under the impression their sickness will certainly be cured. However, a plethora of organisms other than bacteria, such as viruses, can cause the population to succumb to illness. Unfortunately for these patients, an antimicrobial will not cure a virus. It will only cause issues later down the line in the event they develop a legitimate need for an antimicrobial. Too frequently, providers will comply with these requests and write a script for the aforementioned antibiotic. This denotes the need for education interventions to decrease the over prescription of antimicrobials that are causing MDROs.
