
Jillian Sinosa

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In attempt to decrease national disparities and to help Americans with serious mental illnesses access care, clubhouses such as Fountain House need to be made more accessible to patients. By doing so, this may also reduce the rate at which those with serious and chronic mental illnesses cycle through the streets, shelters, emergency rooms, and jails. Ineffective and costly approaches to mental health care in this generation and generations prior, have taken away the integrity, dignity, and humanity of these patients. It is Fountain House’s aspiration to close these gaps and provide holistic and realistic care. They achieve this by being nonprofit, providing jobs, and creating programs such as “College Re-Entry” and “Social Practice.” Social Practice was especially pioneered by this organization and helps individuals learn new skills, to hone their talent, build dignity, develop a sense of belonging, and make progress towards their goal. Systematic barriers will also be addressed by advocates participating to shape a national mental health policy agenda. This organization does admit patients, send them off, and label them as "frequent flyers" upon return. Fountain House takes care of the individual as a whole, treats each member as family, and sets them up for success.
