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The purpose of this project is to review the literature on the diagnosis of ADHD. Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been around for over 100 years, there are often difficulties in diagnosing children who have this disorder. Even though ADHD can affect all types of people, research into ADHD has largely been focused on symptoms seen primarily in young boys. This, it will be argued, has created a “stereotype” of those who have ADHD which precludes many with this disorder from being diagnosed. This inequality in the attention given to boys rather than girls or adults is because, in most cases, it is only the boys that are hyperactive. The hyperactive and combined types of ADHD are easily noticeable compared to the inattentive type. Girls suffering from the inattentive type of ADHD typically carry these symptoms undiagnosed into adulthood, potentially resulting in negative consequences. Similarly, adults that have missed diagnosis as a child can have lingering effects. In the last decade, more has been done to adequately diagnose and treat all children and adults. Accurate diagnosis of ADHD is critical to treating those who have it.
