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Native pollinator gardens benefit urban communities by promoting pollination and providing support for native biodiversity conservation. Urban green spaces encourage social and physical activity, promote education, and positively influence public health in urban dwellers. Many studies have been conducted in order to fully under­stand the importance of native species reintroduction. The continuous research in this area of urban ecology can lead to better conservation and sustainability practices. This paper examines what kind of resources (i.e. costs, plants, area) are required to create a pollinator/native garden on a college campus and what kind of wildlife can be attracted by the implementation of a native patch. The study implements methods of analysis of quantitative data on space area and price as well as qualitative data on plant and animal species. The results of this research on plants native to Kansas and the properties of plants in relation to wildlife attraction should conclude that im­plementing a native garden will attract a variety of wildlife species and promote pollination as well as positively influence public outdoor interaction and education on conservation.
