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A college student’s current socioeconomic status contributes to food insecurity. A student’s current living situa­tion may cause barriers to food access. When students do not have a sense of security of food and a student is hungry, he does not feel safe, and it is hard to help him synthesize class material. Meeting students’ basic needs is vital for them to fully concentrate on obtaining the information in a class in a way that they can apply it, learn, and take it forward eventually acquiring assimilation into society. We are conducting a qualitative study of PSU undergraduate students ages 18+. The research questions we will be using to conduct are research are as fol­lowed. Within the last year (What have your eating conditions been like?) In the last 30 days have you skipped a meal because you could not afford it? In the last week have you skipped or missed a meal because you could not afford it? If you have been lacking food what may be some of the reasons? What emotions do you have about your food insecurity? Do you have a job? Do you have access to a vehicle? Do you live on or off campus? Please describe your living arrangement. Are you from a low-income family receiving a Pell grant or other finan­cial assistance/benefits? Do you feel that your grades are affected by your hunger? What interventions would make you feel more secure with food? Have you received food from a food pantry before? If you responded no on the previous question what is the reason? Do you think that your school offers enough support for students in need of food assistance? Why do you think it would be important for the food pantry here at PSU to be ex­panded? If a food pantry with a bigger food variety would be implemented here at PSU would you be willing to seek assistance if needed? Current grade level? When did you first experience food insecurity?

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