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This paper will analyze Elizabeth I’s political style and the effects on it by both religion and influential men in the “Virgin Queen’s” council. Her relationships with Mary Tudor and Mary, Queen of Scots, and their religion, affected her politics and how her Protestantism clashed with these two Catholic monarchs. Comparing Mary Tudor’s forceful assertion of Catholicism in her reign to Elizabeth’s approach to Protestant dissenters will demon­strate religion’s role in their politics. I will also analyze the aspect of religion on Elizabeth’s and Mary Stuart’s dual claims to the English throne. Elizabeth Jenkins’s work, Elizabeth the Great, explores all aspects of Elizabeth’s life but focuses on her reign as queen and the treatment of Catholics under her now Protestant reign as compared to Mary’s treatment of dissenters. From the very beginning of her reign, Elizabeth was viewed as illegitimate by some English Catholics as well as Scottish Catholics. Many believed that Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, had the legitimate claim to the English throne rather than Elizabeth. Anne McLaren’s article continues to explore their relationship. Allison Heisch’s article discusses the role of men and the patriarchy in Elizabeth’s rule and the perpet­uation of the image of the “Virgin Queen.” This paper will ultimately analyze the role of religion and Elizabeth’s relationship with Mary Tudor and Mary Stuart as well as the perpetuation of the “Virgin Queen” and the role of men in attempting to influence Elizabeth and her reign.
