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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by delays in social communication and interaction as well as restricted repetitive behaviors, interest, and activities. According to the most recent reports from the CDC, it is estimated that 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with some form of ASD in the United States. Research has shown that early identification and intervention can significantly improve out­comes in those individuals diagnosed. As a result of this research, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended routine screening on all children for ASD at the age of 18 months and again at 24 months us­ing a standardized autism-specific tool. This descriptive research design examines the autism screening and refer­ral practices of providers in the southeast Kansas counties of Montgomery, Allen, Labette, Cherokee and Craw­ford. A survey was used to collect data regarding current autism screening and referral practices, knowledge on autism screening guidelines and provider attitudes on routine autism screening. The preliminary results show that providers in southeast Kansas are aware of the AAP guidelines regarding screening and feel that screening every child for autism is important. However, these providers are not screening children for autism using an autism specific screening tool. Providers in this area had a strong desire to learn more about autism screening guidelines and specific autism screening tools. A conclusion can be drawn that providers in this area understand the importance of routine autism screening but more education targeting how to perform the screening is warranted.
