Document Type

Graduate Research

Publication Date

Spring 4-2016


Background: the healthcare provider shortage has resulted in increased enrollment in nurse practitioner programs. Traditionally, the clinical education of these students has occurred primarily in clinical settings with the guidance of a practicing nurse practitioner. There is currently a shortage of these preceptors. Research indicates part of the shortage may be attributed to hesitancy to precept due to feeling ill-prepared as a preceptor. It is proposed that a focus group will verify concepts found in the literature. In addition, creating a webinar to better prepare preceptors will result in an increase in prepared preceptors. Significance: The shortage of nurse practitioner preceptors not only impacts the student’s ability to obtain quality clinical education, it also affects the universities; enrollment will decrease as available preceptors decrease. This will further negatively impact the healthcare shortage. Methods: A focus group was held to confirm the concepts found in the literature. Further, concepts gleaned from the literature and the focus group will guide the development of a preparation webinar for preceptors. Results: the focus group did confirm the barriers found in the literature. Discussion: The shortage of preceptors for nurse practitioner students impacts completion of the nurse practitioner program. Creating a webinar using data from the focus group and the literature will better prepare nurse practitioners to precept, thereby, resulting in an increase in the number of available preceptors.

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Nursing Commons



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