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Document Type

Graduate Research

Creation Date



Engineering Technology


Safety and extended amount of waiting times are issues faced by PSU students, staff, visitors and faculty crossing the intersection of Joplin Street and Cleveland Street during busy school hours. Considering the growing student population at Pittsburg State University (PSU) and the heavy traffic on peak hours, the study will analyze foot, vehicle and bicycle traffic during Monday and Tuesday between the hours of 8 to 10 am, 11 to 1 pm, and 3 to 5 pm.

A descriptive study was conducted in order to evaluate the degree of the issues and make recommendations based upon the data collected. Data will be collected through observation and video recording of participants while they are crossing the street. The researchers aimed to accumulate a minimum sample of 367 human subjects that consist of students, staff, and visitors who are pedestrians and motorist, which would consist in a representative sample of the university population. We will focus our attention in answering the following questions:

1. How many students cross the intersection by foot and bicycle during those specific times?

2. How many vehicles cross the intersection at the specific times?

3. How many accidents have been reported at that particular intersection?

4. How much time does it take in an average for a car to cross the intersection?

Based upon the data gathered, the researchers will analyze the behavior of pedestrians, drivers and bikers in order to make conclusions and recommendations for resolution of the issues, as well as generate ideas for further study.
