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Document Type

Graduate Research

Creation Date

Spring 4-8-2015




We are surrounded by electric charges in space. Electric charges are everywhere and we interact with these charges at all times. The compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulb blinks when you wave a blanket near it. This is because the charge balance of the medium is disturbed, producing an electric wave turbulence. That’s how the electrostatic wave stimulates the gas molecules in the bulb. Technically, when an object with less or more electrostatic charge enters into a medium, it causes a disturbance in electric charges with respect to the object and medium. If the object has tip points, electrostatic charges will accumulate at those points producing a region of high charge density, but if the object does not have any tip points producing a region of high charge density, but if the object does not have any tip points, then the charge spreads out uniformly. If we apply this concept to the field of medicine, we realize that airborne diseases are caused by differences in charge balance between a person and medium or person to person. Since viruses are nothing but a protein coated on a genetic material, they carry positive or negative charges. When the virus is airborne and has an opposite charge with respect to the target, then the target attracts the virus with an acceleration much bigger than Earth gravity. In radiation therapy for curing cancer, gamma or X-rays are used to create a uniform charge distribution in cancer cells tending to make their code readable by healthy cells. In the light of this concept it can be now understood that some cancer diseases are due to charge imbalance in the body. If this charge imbalance can be eradicated, the disease get cured. We examine the role of electrostatics in the treatment of diseases including cancer.


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