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Positive reinforcement is an animal training method in which a reward (reinforcer) is used to get an animal to perform a desired action given by a trainer. It is helpful for captive animal management, especially for providing medical care or getting an animal to stop an unwanted behavior without use of punishment. My research project aimed to determine if a food-based reinforcer would motivate a captive female Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) to complete a task before and after positive reinforcement. I first trained the opossum to associate the color red with the reinforcer by presenting a piece of cheese to her on both the floor and a red poly dot. After this training, I used a red-tipped training stick to test her ability to touch her snout to the end of the stick. Although the amount of touches decreased after exposure to positive reinforcement, the opossum did associate the color red with the reinforcer. Further training with color association could help the opossum with getting into a harness, a carrier, or other actions she may need to perform in the future. Findings from my research project demonstrate the usefulness of color association with positive reinforcement in captive animal management.
