Uncovering the Educational and Self Management Need in People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Zachary Palumbo

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The purpose of the study was to assess the current knowledge of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), selfmanagement skills, and resources for IBD in people suffering from the condition. Self-management skills and education have been shown, along with medical treatment, to show improvements in symptom activity and overall quality of life (Conley & Redeker, 2016). The study used Orem’s Self-Care deficit theory as the theoretical framework. A mixed methods design was chosen for this particular study. The project provided an educational video and a pre and post-survey through email. The questionnaire and pre-test (Appendix A) were given before the education, and Appendix C was given after receiving the education (Appendix B). The information obtained was used to assess the individuals’ knowledge and self-management of IBD. Inclusion criteria: participants were 18 years and older, able to read and understand English, and have a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Exclusion criteria: individuals under the age of 18, not able to read and understand English or does not have a medical diagnosis of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. The study demonstrated that people with IBD are willing to learn more and participate in similar studies. The study concluded that the knowledge over medications and management increased (medications: 28% to 33.6%) with the educational resource. The study demographics were found to be unbiased towards sex, race or disease process. The study also looked at qualitative data providing different resources, and needs wanted by the participants.

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