Impact of Number of Autonomous Vehicles on Highway Traffic Congestion


Yash Worlikar

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Publication Date

Spring 2021


The purpose of this study is to investigate how effectively Interstate Highway traffic can be controlled and managed depending on the number of autonomous vehicles in the U.S. The study is conducted under quantitative methodology. Using a Correlational type of design, responses of the customers at automotive dealerships across Pittsburg, KS, and Joplin, MO would be recorded using a survey. The survey consists of 15 multiple choice questions to evaluate the efficiency of interstate highway traffic control. On average, An American commuter loses 90 hours yearly due to traffic congestion. It also accounts for an annual wastage of 1.9 Billion gallons. The increasing number of autonomous vehicles could be the answer to the long highway traffic conditions. Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication can be used to achieve better traffic management. This study would potentially aid the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to maintain an efficient system of interstate highways concerning its design and safety parameters. Furthermore, it would analyze how an organized traffic flow would contribute towards a convenient and efficient travel experience. It was hypothesized that there will be a correlation between the number of autonomous vehicles and interstate highway traffic congestion in the U.S.


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