Herpetofauna Communities on Mined Lands in Southeast Kansas


Emma Buckardt

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Publication Date

Spring 2021


Southeast Kansas has a rich history of coal mining, with decades of strip mining that severely altered ecosystems. The resulting habitat composition of forests, prairies, and wetlands makes this a unique area for the state, in addition to its location along the narrow swaths of the Cherokee Lowlands and Ozark Plateau. Since 2018, herpetofauna surveys have been conducted on mined lands with the use of drift fence arrays that included funnel traps, pitfall traps, and cover boards. To expand herpetofauna surveys, we conducted call surveys and larvae sampling at 24 wetlands across the Mined Land Wildlife Areas in 2020. Surveys were conducted from May 15 to August 14, during which time we documented 12 reptile and 6 amphibian species at 5 drift fence arrays and 6 reptile and 5 amphibian species at wetland sites. Most notably we encountered adult and juvenile Broadhead skinks at a drift fence array location. Our project will be expanded for the 2021 and 2022 field seasons to encompass anuran distributions and wetland herpetofauna communities on mined lands.


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