Motion Capture and Photogrammetry Data Collection for Ergonomic Musculoskeletal Repetition in a Real-World Environment


William Corlett

Document Type



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Publication Date

Spring 2021


This research project will determine if there is a strain on the musculoskeletal body in a world where many repetitive motions and movements are used to complete various tasks. The research project will study the motions of the human body in a real-world environment setting. The process will use photogrammetry to help display the movements and the utilization of a motion capture suit in a real-world environment. To ensure the data collected can generate two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects. Drone technology will provide a video of the activities performed using the RoKoKo motion capture suit in the predetermined environment. The motion capture suit will capture data of tasks commonly required in the construction and general industry environments. The final step is merging all the data from the three various technologies into Bentley software to digitalize the activities. The data collected will help understand the musculoskeletal components effected while performing repetitive motions during simple tasks.


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