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In this chapter, four white, cis-gender, teacher-educators engaged in a multiple method, cross-institution online collaboration during the dual pandemic of Covid-19 and structural racism. Using a book club reading schedule, arts based responses, problem posing, and memory work, the authors examined their experiences and reactions to the pandemic and concurrent incidences of structural racism. Drawing inspiration from Robinson and Robinson’s (2022) Imagine If, followed by Kendi’s (2019, 2023) How to be Antiracist, the authors describe how their online collaboration influenced their understanding of their past, helped them to unpack considerations of present problems in their practice, and helped them consider how they might better act in the future. Throughout the process the authors were mindful of their privilege as white teacher educators and how this impacted their approach to issues of equity, social justice, and racism. Multiple method cross-institution online collaboration is a useful space to examine critical issues of practice.
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Antiracist teaching, Arts-based research, Book study, COVID-19 pandemic, Memory work, Research communities
Adult and Continuing Education | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Education | Higher Education | Online and Distance Education | Other Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Diacopoulos, Mark; Burbage, Amanda; Gregory, Kristen H.; and Rice, Mary F., "Using multiple methods to explore antiracist practices in a cross institutional online community" (2024). Open Educational Resources - Teaching and Learning. 16.

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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Other Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons