Professor Franklin's Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2023-24
John Franklin
Designed to be a useful, time-saving source of primary reading material, Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2023—24 includes his notes and reading recommendations for 218 authors, editors and illustrators; 209 titles; and 60,638 pages of reading.
Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2021—22
John Franklin
Designed to be a useful, time-saving source of primary reading material, Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2021—22 includes his notes and reading recommendations for 195 authors, editors and illustrators; 205 titles; and 67,454 pages of reading.
Professor Franklin’s Unannotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2021—22
John Franklin
A companion to Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2021—22, this is a list of the 205 books alphabetized by author or editor’s last name.
Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2019—20
John Franklin
Designed to be a useful, time-saving source of primary reading material, Professor Franklin’s annotated bibliography of Young adult Literature, 2019—20 includes his notes and reading recommendations for 280 books containing 80,230 pages written or collected by 220 authors and editors. Titles are found on public and school library shelves; recommendations are made by librarians, parents, students and teachers as well as The Heartland Committee to Promote Lifelong reading.
Professor Franklin's Study Guide for "The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir" by Thi Bui
John Franklin
This guide is designed to be used by discussion leaders in conjunction with a read-aloud approach to analyzing The Best We Could Do, a graphic novel by Thi Bui.
The first draft of this guide was composed during the Pittsburg State University Tilford READ activity in the Fall of 2020.
This guide is designed to be used by both English Education students who will teach the book in middle and secondary school; and, by Tilford members who desire to lead discussion groups.
Professor Franklin’s Unannotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2019—20
John Franklin
A companion to Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2019—20, this is a list of the 243 books alphabetized by author or editor’s last name.
Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2017—18
John Franklin
Designed to be a useful, time-saving source of primary reading material, Professor Franklin’s annotated bibliography of Young adult Literature, 2017—18 includes his notes and reading recommendations for 280 books containing 89,530 pages written or collected by 212 authors and editors. Titles are found on public and school library shelves; recommendations are made by librarians, parents, students and teachers as well as The Heartland Committee to Promote Lifelong reading.
Professor Franklin’s Unannotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2017—18
John Franklin
A companion to Professor Franklin’s Annotated Bibliography of Young Adult Literature, 2017—18, this is a list of the 280 books alphabetized by author or editor’s last name.
ELA for M/S: A Guidebook for Beginning Teachers
John Franklin
ELA for M/S: A Guidebook for Beginning Teachers (ELA for M/S is an acronym: English and Language Arts for Middle-and-Secondary schools) is designed to enable ENGL 478: Literature for Middle and Secondary Schools and ENGL 480: Internship students to develop competence in their field. The book also prepares ENGL 579: Professional Semester and Follow-up students to transition into professional life. The book's contents includes 13 chapters: 1. Eight Pedagogical Imperatives; 2. Four Theories: Bloom, Gardner, Piaget and UDL; 3. Three Teaching Approaches; 9. Constructing Tests; 10. Writing Templates; 11. Tragedy for non-English Majors; to name a few. ELA for M/S is illustrated with 15 photos I took during The Little Red Schoolhouse Project, when my research assistants were Laura Allgood and Lindsey Lockhart (now Viets) of the Honors College. The Project's western terminus is the Sunny Side School located at The Little House on the Prairie site in Independence, Kansas; the eastern terminus is Avonlea School (where Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of the Anne of Green Gables books, taught; Anne Shirley, like Laura Ingalls, teaches in a one-room schoolhouse) on Prince Edward Island off the coast of Canada.
Technical and Professional Writing
Jessica Jorgenson Borchert
Technical and Professional Communication is an OER sharing common concepts presented within contexts of technical and professional writing.
A collection of Open Educational Resources created by professors at Pittsburg State University.
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