Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The collective bargaining agreement between Pittsburg State University (Kansas) and the Pittsburg State University Chapter (218 memberg) of the National Education Association covering the period July 1, 1985-June 30, 1986 is presented. Items covered in the agreement include: salaries, performance appraisal, allocation of annual faculty salary increments, salary generation for fiscal year 1987, summer employment procedures, out-of-state travel, retrenchment, personnel reduction procedure, personnel recall procedure, faculty non-reappointment because of academic program discontinuance, faculty due process, personnel files, tenure, promotion, academic rank, sick leave, retirement, hours of work, operational procedures for instructional workload, wearing apparel, jury duty, shift differential, and grievance procedure. Appended is a definition of teaching, scholarly activity, and service from "The. Core of Academe," Office of Academic Affairs, Pittsburg State University, 1983. (SW)


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