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R. Lynn Martin ran the newspaper, The Echo, which his good friend Zula Bennington Green contributed to. This collection consists mainly of Greene’s writings and photographs that Martin had. This collection also has articles, newsletters, correspondence, programs, and miscellaneous items. Raphael Lynn Martin was born in 1897 and spent most of his life in Brookville, Kansas, and was the editor for the newspaper, The Echo. During the 1940s, he was a member of the Works Projects Administration (WPA). Census lists from the 1920s and 1930s indicate he was also employed in the hardware business. He was a life-long friend of Kansas writer Zula Bennington Greene. He was married to Helen Magnuson Martin, and they had two children, Hugh Juan Martin (1927 - 1990) and James Calvin Martin (1924 - 1970). R. Lynn Martin died in 1973 and is buried in Brookville.
Publication Date
Languages and Literature
Size of Collection
.4 linear foot
Dates of Collection
Manuscript Number
SpC MS 0149
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Leonard H. Axe Library, "Martin, R. Lynn, collection, 1920-1973" (2019). Finding Aids. 197.