Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Dr. J. Barnett


The underrepresentation of women and minorities in educational administration has been a matter of concern and research for a number of years. The number of female teachers is by far greater than male teachers, but male school administrators outnumber female school administrators. Since the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education, minorities are underrepresented in both teaching and school administration.

The study was designed to investigate factors that affected the entrance of women and minorities into positions of educational administration. Questionnaires were sent out to selected school principals and superintendents in the states of Kansas and Missouri. Most principals and superintendents indicated that sex and race should not be variables in the selection of personnel for administrative positions. The majority of the superintendents indicated that there was no policy that excluded women or minorities from being appointed to administrative positions.

Even though most of the principals and superintendents indicated that sex and race should not be variables in the selection of personnel, and that there was no policy that excluded women and minorities from being appointed to administrative positions, the statistical data regarding the number of principals in high schools revealed that the number of male high school principals was by far greater than both females and minorities. The statistical data provided by both principals and superintendents also revealed that secondary female teachers greatly outnumber male teachers and that minorities are scarce in the teaching profession.

Further empirical research regarding the effectiveness of women and minorities in positions of school administration is recommended.



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