Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Excerpt: "This study proposes to do the following things: (1) to determine the causes of the commitments of girls to the Oklahoma Training School for Negro Girls: (2) to find out the effects of these commitments on the girls; (3) to make suggestions to be used in the school and the community for reducing and preventing delinquency and incorrigibility. The data were obtained from institutional records, and from personal communications with principals, ministers, and influential persons of the various communities. These data include a study of a random choice of 150 case histories out of a possible 500. The result [sic] of the study show that of the 150 cases studied commitments due to sex delinquencies were 29; truancy, 26; theft, 17; run-away, 14; waywardness, 14; lying, 13; disobedience, 11; stubbornness, 9; drunkenness, 8; attempted murder, 4; use of drugs, 2; offense against public health, 2; and arsony, 1. The study shows that 42 of the 150 case studies were recommitted. It was possible to locate 101 of the 150 cases studied. Of this number those gainfully employed are 45: housewives, 23; on relief, 9; and at home supported by others, 24. Six of the 101 have graduated from high schools, and three have attended college. Raising the economic status of families, more adequate housing conditions, and the provision of more wholesome recreations would undoubltly [sic] help reduce and prevent delinquency and incorrigibility."


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