Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Excerpt: "In this study an attempt is made to present a program of vocational guidance to be conducted by Oklahoma Negro teachers of industrial arts. An attempt is also made to note the extent to which vocational guidance is offered in the Negro high schools of Oklahoma. Thirteen questionnaires were sent to the Negro high schools of Oklahoma offering industrial arts courses to determine the extent to which vocational guidance was offered in these schools. Three questionnaires were sent to Negro high schools in Missouri to get a sampling of the program in that state. The data for the program of vocational guidance were secured from reference materials, programs found in other cities, and questionnaires sent to the schools in Oklahoma and Missouri, where such information seemed valuable. Two Negro shop teachers were also interviewed to determine the nature of the guidance program in their shops. The data collected from the Negro high schools in Oklahoma shows that there are positive deficiencies in these schools. These programs are not effective if the number of students that have been placed by their placement service is one criteria by which we evaluate a program. Two of the schools surveyed offered no program of vocational guidance. Counseling is done in eleven of the schools while testing, occupational studies, and placement and follow-up is given consideration in half of them. Only in one city do out-of-school agencies participate in the guidance activities of the school. The program of vocational guidance proposed in this study shows what can be done by the industrial arts teacher in the shop. Counseling, testing, occupational studies, and placement and follow-up are attempted in the program. Methods of presenting and securing occupational information, ways of building a suitable shop library, and methods of counseling with students are presented in the program. This material is being presented to the teachers of industrial arts who are in charge of Negro youth needing inspiration and guidance. This material will also be used by the writer who is a teacher of industrial arts."


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