Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Excerpt: "The purpose of this study is to obtain information concerning the Negro high school girl's interests and home activities to serve as a basis for suggestions to improve the course in Home Making now offered in the Negro high schools of Logan County, Oklahoma. The data upon which the suggestions are based were obtained by the questionnaire and personal interview techniques. (1) Questionnaires were filled out by 129 Negro high school girls to indicate their interests, activities, home conditions and environment. (2) Forty-four home makers filled out similar blanks, listing the activities involved in home management. (3) Four high school principals were interviewed to ascertain what Negro high school girls do after graduation. Following a tabulation of the data secured from these sources, the writer suggests that the Home Making course designed to meet the needs of the Negro high school girls should (1) emphasize more efficient methods of doing the tasks which the girl usually performs--dishwashing, washing, cleaning, etc.; (2) provide practice in necessary activities neglected by the girls--sewing, meal planning, budgeting, etc.; and (3) provide a general preparation for some of the problems the girl must face when she becomes an adult."


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