Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Excerpt: "A study of the removal of the Cherokees from their homes in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina to the Indian Territory begins with a discussion of the early history of the Cherokees. In the first part of the study of the early history of the Cherokees a brief discussion is made of the origin and the language of the Cherokees. The second part of the introduction takes up the study of the original home of the Cherokees dealing with its location and description. The history of the land cessions of the Cherokees to the United States is also discussed in the introduction. This study of the land cessions begins with the first treaty made between the Cherokees and the British Government in 1721 and includes a discussion of the Hopewell Treaty, Treaty of Holston, Treaty of 1804 and the Treaty of 1806. The introduction ends with an account of the early emigrations of the Cherokees to the West. The first chapter shows the desire of the State of Georgia for the removal of the Cherokees to the West. The desire of the people of Georgia for the land of the Cherokees, the discovery of gold on the land belonging to the Cherokees and the Georgia Compact of 1802 are discussed as the reasons for the opposition of the people of Georgia to the Cherokees. The opposition of the Cherokees to removal to the West is shown by the discussion of the feeling of the Cherokees for their old home. This chapter also includes a discussion of the policy of the national government in its dealings with the Indians. The second chapter gives an account of the treaties between the government of the United States and the Cherokees concerning their removal to the West. The treaties discussed are the Treaty of 1817, Treaty of 1819, Treaty of 1828 and the Treaty of New Echota. The activities of the State of Gerogia to make life so miserable for the Cherokees that they would be willing to move to the West is also shown in this chapter. The chapter closes with the account of the attempts of the national government to make a treaty with the Cherokees. The last chapter gives an account of the removal of the Cherokees showing the army activities in the forced removal and the suffering of the Indians on the removal trip. The conclusion deals with the arrival of the Cherokees in the West and their efforts to build new homes in the new country."


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