Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Finger painting indicates potential for consideration as a diagnostic tool in view of its particular plasticity and effectiveness with all ages, cultures and most handicaps. There is, however, confusion in the method of administration, the amount of structure to provide during the painting process, and the observational points significant in providing useful evaluative material. Those various methods include: (1) An extensive systematized checklist for observation in a highly structured setting; (2) a more permissive atmosphere with suggested significant characteristics inherent in the finger painting task which should be clinically observed, and (3) a more recently developed objective ratings scale for the finger painting end product. There ls no present indication, however, that such ratings scales used for scoring can also be used for diagnostic purposes, although it has been stated that variation in scoring will suggest a distinction between the psychotic and normal adult.

Studies regarding the use of finger painting as a psychodiagnostic tool have been mostly with adult, emotionally disturbed populations. It is difficult to determine a relationship of scoring values which would compose a profile significant in terms of behavioral adjustment.


vii, 93 leaves : photos. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 90-93.

Included in

Psychology Commons



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