Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)




The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of anxiety and reading achievement levels. The study was concerned with the following questions:

1. Are the boys and girls who are achieving below their expected reading levels more anxious than those who are achieving above their reading levels?

2. Are the girls who are achieving below their expected reading levels more anxious than those who are achieving above their expected reading levels?

3. Are the boys who are achieving below their expected reading levels more anxious than those who are achieving above their reading levels?

Sixty-four boys and girls were chosen at random from the total population of 271 sixth -grade students of the six elementary schools at Carthage, Missouri. These boys and girls were administered an anxiety test, an intelligence test, and a reading test.

The anxiety test results were compared to the expected reading achievement levels to determine if anxiety had an effect on the students reading achievement.

Analysis of variance was used to determine whether or not each of the null hypotheses of the study were to be retained or rejected. An analysis of the results obtained showed the following:

1. There were no significant differences in the anxiety means of the boys and girls.

2. Anxiety had little effect on the achieved reading levels of the boys and girls studied.

3. The boys tended to be less anxious than the girls.

4. The boys and girls had approximately the same average intelligence quotient.

5. The girls tended to score higher on reading achievement tests than the boys.


vi, 70 leaves : ill. 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 68-70.



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