Date of Award

Summer 5-1972

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The study was to determine the correlation between a person's investment in society, as measured by economic factors, and a person's liberal attitudes about that society. The attitude areas used to measure liberal-conservative attitudes were political, religious, and moral.

The hypothesis stated that as investment increased, the scale of liberal attitudes in politics, religion, and morals would decrease. A significant negative correlation would support the hypothesis. A significant positive correlation indicated a reverse of the hypothesis, that is an increase in investment showed an increase in liberal attitudes.

Demographic factors controlled in this study were, sex, age, marital status and geographic area. Each of these controlled areas was tested for the attitude areas, political, religious, and moral.

The statistical test used was the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. This was computed from the raw data by the IBM 1401 computer and the Monroe Epic 3000 memory calculator. A level of .05 or 5% was determined as the level of significance.

The study showed there was no significant correlation between the two major variables of investment in society and a decrease in liberal attitudes. When the component variables of politics, religion, and morals were correlated with the independent variable, investment in society, morals did show a -.3910 correlation in the direction predicted, which was significant at the .01 level.

The population for the study was six extension classes from Kansas State College of Pittsburg, and one Lions Club, of the organization of Lions International, from Girard, Kansas.

When certain demographic factors were controlled some areas showed a .05 level of significance to support the hypothesis. These areas were: geographic areas, Girard and Shawnee Mission; age groups, 25 to 34 and Over 65; sex, females; and marital status, Never Married.


vii, 81 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 79-81.



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