Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The Cherokee formation is one of the important rock formations of Kansas. There has been much work done upon the coal beds of this formation but so far as is shown by a search of the available literature, there has been no work carried on making a study of the rock beds of the formation by means of chemical analysis.

This paper is an endeavour to do three things: (1) to make a brief study of the rocks of the Cherokee formation at various horizons, (2) to attempt to show by chemical analysis the position of the land mass from which the sediments were derived, and (3) to see if it might be possible to divide the rock layers into definitely correlated beds on a basis of chemical analysis alone.


Copy of a typewritten thesis, viii, 60 leaves : ill. (some col.), col. map ; 28 cm.

Included in

Geology Commons



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