

Chief Editor
Chase Dearinger
Digital Archivist
Madison Price

Emerald City is a quarterly online fiction magazine founded by the creative writing program at Pittsburg State University in 2019. At Emerald City, we believe fiction is a necessary part of everyday life.

Captivating storytelling transports us to other worlds while allowing us to make more sense of our own. It also exposes us to fresh, untold perspectives.

We’re less interested in what genre something is or its literary status than we are in how much it moves us and how much it teaches us empathy. Whether traditional, experimental, or something else fun, we publish well-crafted stories that make us reevaluate ourselves and our place in the world.

Current Issue: Issue 10, Spring (2024)



Free Holiday Dinner
Phillip Sterling


The Blue Hairs
Renée Thompson


The Kianda
Christopher Walker