
Ira Clemens


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PITTSBURG, KANSAS, located approximately in the center of the coal field, population 22,000, six banks, total deposits, $7,500,000. e [sic] eighteen churches, eleven schools and in addition the Pittsburg State Teachers College, which has several large buildings; this college has an enrollment of 4500. A large number of miners live in the city of Pittsburg and either drive in their own automobiles, street cars or railroad, to their work in the various localities in the field. On account of the many advantages, which Pittsburg offers in the way of schools, churches, parks and amusements of all kinds, it makes it a very desirable place for miners to live, especially on account of the fact that miners can live in Pittsburg and reach practically every mining town in the district without any difficulty on account of the various transportation facilities.

Digital Collection

Ira Clemens Photograph Album, 1923

Collection Number

SpC MS 0016


Kansas -- Crawford County -- Pittsburg


Special Collections, Leonard H. Axe Library, Pittsburg State University

Publisher Digital

Pittsburg State University, Kansas, Axe Library, Special Collections


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1 volume of 56 pages
