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A 1970 Kanza yearbook article titled "Blacks protest senate actions" showing a student demonstration by the entrance to Mitchell Hall and Willard Hall on Lindburg Street, as well as a protest of the Miss Pitt State Pageant (continued on pages 169 and 171).
ABOVE: In furtherance of their cause ... another demonstration took place on Lindberg Street late Tuesday night. Anticipating the possibility of violence, the police appeared on the scene. The situation stayed relatively calm; the only result was an interruption in the flow of traffic.
RIGHT: During the Miss Pitt State Pageant, Blacks carried signs in protest of the activity. The signs bore slogans such as: "Blue Eyes Can't See Black Beauty," "BSM Protests Typical Amerikkkan Rascist Pageant," " ... Spectacle of Rascism."
FAR RIGHT: At the conclusion of the funeral on the Oval. Black students held the final requiem for the senate in the Den. Gathered around the coffin, heads bowed, members mourned the symbolic demise of the "Pig Senate."