
Hunter Williams


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Glasses embellished with broken glass, an old SD memory card painted to look like a computer motherboard, speaker wire, a dead battery, and dead flowers

“For my framework, I used the glasses given to me Freshman year during PITT CARES Orientation. They were to symbolize our class of 2020 with “perfect vision”. Given our current circumstances with the state of the world, our 2020 vision is broken. This is why I added the broken glass to the edges of the frames. Because of social distancing, all of our classes have gone online. Inspired by technology, I grabbed an old SD memory card and painted the back of it to look like a computer motherboard. Taking some extra speaker wire, I attached the motherboard to a dead AA battery. Lastly, I added dead flowers because we are being quarantined during the spring, when flowers start to blossom.” –Williams


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