Document Type

Graduate Research


Master of Science

Publication Date



The Curriculum Laboratory at Kansas State College of Pittsburg is a well-equipped and well-staffed center. This study grew from a question that the researcher asked himself: How equipped is our facility compared to other state colleges and universities? In pondering this question, others came to mind: What do their facilities consist of as compared to those of Kansas State College of Pittsburg? What are the materials that make up their laboratory? Who funds a curriculum laboratory? Where are they located on campus? Inquiries revealed the fact that little has been written concerning this type of facility. Francis L. Drag, who made a nation-wide survey of curriculum laboratories said, “Reference to curriculum laboratories in the professional educational literature are comparatively few and sketchy.” Most of the pamphlets and papers which were referenced concerning this type of facility were general in their description of the organization of the library and the types of materials which should be included. The description of a curriculum laboratory, as stated in the Standards for State Approval of Teacher Education, 1971, was found to be the most adequate.


v, 44 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaf 44.

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Education Commons
