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The goal of undergraduate teacher preparation programs is to equip future teachers to work with all learners. Gifted and talented learners are likely found in every classroom regardless of where they reside. According to Rinn et al. (2022), Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Nebraska do not require undergraduate teacher candidates to take university coursework on gifted education. The goal of this presentation is to provide a general overview of gifted education specific to Kansas. This presentation aims to address myths and misconceptions about gifted education and gifted learners, characteristics of gifted learners, a basic overview of a general identification process, and strategies to create a gifted-friendly classroom.
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Giftedness, Gifted and talented, gifted education, talent development, twice-exceptional learners, characteristics of giftedness, myths of giftedness, gifted-friendly classroom
Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Methods | Educational Psychology | Elementary Education | Elementary Education and Teaching | Gifted Education | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education and Teaching | Special Education and Teaching
Recommended Citation
Wolff, David, "Creating a Gifted-Friendly Classroom" (2023). Open Educational Resources - Teaching and Learning. 3.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Educational Psychology Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Gifted Education Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons, Special Education and Teaching Commons
This workshop presentation was designed for pre-service elementary and secondary majors beginning their student teaching field experience.